It’s been another busy few days. Jake is a wonderful friend from the last RTR and he joined us in camp. He works in Los Angeles and got some time off so he came up here to relax and get out of the heat. You would think it would be hard to park on the street of a town as big as Los Angeles, but he has no problem. Whether you live in a van in a city, or on public land, it’s a wonderful life!!

Sierra Sunset

Steve got back the same day from Washington State. I was very glad to see him again. We have been camping together since last November, and we have become like brothers. Last July he got a new dog he named Zeke. What a great dog he is! He’s only a puppy (9 months) but he is much more mature than his age. Homer is 9 years old, and they hit it off great. I’ve seen it happen before where a puppy brings back new life and vitality to an older dog, and the older dog brings maturity to the puppy. That’s just what happened here. I let Steve know that if he ever needed a dog-sitter or a new owner, I was there for them. He’s camped about 5 minutes away in a beautiful spot so I get to visit with him every day on my walks
I heard from Judy and Bill that they are on their way here. They are a very nice couple I met last January at the RTR. They are pulling a travel trailer with a Ford van. I don’t think they can get up where we are, but they will be close by. They will be a great addition to the group, very nice people.


I lived in Alaska nearly my whole life, from 1961 to 2006 (for 6 years I lived there in a van). I retired and left in 2006, and haven’t been back since. My mom has a condo in Anchorage she has been trying to sell, and she finally sold it. So she is going to go up there and get it ready to sell. Because it has been so long since I went back, we are going to have a mini family reunion. My son still lives there so the whole family will be there. I’ll be there September 9-24. September isn’t the best time to be there, but it will be good no matter what the weather.


For a long time now I have gotten emails from people every year asking me if they can interview me about vandwelling. I always write back and say, “Sure, I’d love to talk to you and spread the good news of living in a van!” But so far no one has ever followed through and actually done it. Well, when it rains it pours! Yesterday I did two interviews in one day.
A nice lady named Kate did a telephone interview with me for her Real Estate Blog. It seems like an odd place for an interview on vandwelling, right? She writes a column on alternative housing, and I guess we qualify for that. It went really well, she asked insightful questions. She said she would send me a link to it when it’s done. If she does I will pass it on to you.
The other interview was with a couple of very nice guys from Texas. One of them is a professor for the Texas University system, the other is one of his students. For professors to get tenure, they can’t just teach, they have to produce actual work—the idea behind “publish or perish.” Since he teaches digital media and communication, he set out to create a documentary. He was introduced to vandwelling by his son, and was immediately intrigued by the idea. Like most people, his first thought was “That’s crazy” but then his next thought was “Why would someone do that?’ So the documentary is about why we do what we do.

The Sierra Camp Is Growing

They contacted some vandwellers they found on the internet (including me) and made plans to interview them. I have to give him credit for putting his money where his mouth is, they are traveling in true vandweller style. They are taking a two week trip in his Kia Soul, which is a cross between a car and a SUV. Their first night they slept in a truck stop (sound familiar?) and the last two nights they slept in camp with is in a tent. They took a bunch of video and interviewed everybody in camp who was willing to be interviewed. This morning they left for Salt Lake City (I told them about some BLM land they can camp on half way there) and then on to Seattle, Montana, Colorado and New Mexico to interview other vandwellers.
They were such nice guys, and great guests, I was sorry to see them leave. They were so nice, I was even willing to forgive them for being from Texas!! And that is saying a lot!! Cheri and I put together a bar-b-que for everybody that turned out great. How many women can you say to; “Oh, by the way honey, we are having nine guests over for a bar-b-que tonight, can we get ready in time?’ and have it turn out great?!!That’s my sweetheart!!
My first thought when I hear about a documentary on vandwelling is that it will probably be another hack-job making us all look like crazies. But after meeting Michael and Aaron, I really think they will do a great job and portray us in a very positive light. I wish them well!!
They will send me a link to the documentary when it is done, and I will pass it on to you. Bob