Building a Sliding, Pull-Out Bed in a Van

For a single person who’s decided to live in a van, deciding where to put the bed isn’t that hard, it either goes along one of the sides or across the back of the back door. However, there are times when the width of the bed can become a problem: If you...

Camping in the Snowy River Range Scenic Byway, Wyoming

(I’m continuing to try to catch up on blog posts of my summer travels in Wyoming, and I’m especially excited about this one because it was such a pretty area and I was very pleased with my photos. This happened in August of 2015.) In the summer of 2014 Judy and I had...

What is a Quality Life?

Remarkably, another year has gone by and it’s already time for the Holidays. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving which is one of the few Holidays where people are encouraged to stop and be introspective. The standard question most of us ask ourselves is, “What am I thankful...

How to Connect Your Buddy Heater to a 20 Pound Bottle

Most of us living in our cars and vans are on a tight budget and in the winter we have to be careful that our budget doesn’t go up in smoke buying propane to stay warm, in today’s post I’ll show you a way to prevent that. Last week I recommended both the Mr. Heater...

Home Again to Quartzsite, AZ

I’ve been spending my winters in the Arizona desert for quite a few  years now and I’m starting to get a pretty good idea of how they work. Early to mid-October are almost always still hot and by that I mean they begin right around 100 degrees during the...