Weekend Photo 58

Storm a’brewin’ — 21 February 2018 — Borrego Springs, California style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081" data-ad-slot="8472325861" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" style="display:block"...

G-o-o-o-o-o-d Morning, Uncomplicated Life!

IT HAD BEEN ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS when my mind and body were like little siblings who wouldn’t quit harassing each other. Over stupid stuff. Petty stuff. “Don’t touch me!” “Don’t touch me!” “You started it!” “No, you touched me first!” “If you cross this line I’ll call...

Roads Less Traveled: Burr Trail, Southern Utah

VISITORS TO SOUTHERN UTAH probably know about State Route 12 that leads from US-89 to Bryce Canyon, then to Escalante (one of the gateways to popular slot canyons), then turns northward along a very narrow (and scary to some) ridge line before climbing up and over the...

Farewell Ford Transit Connect

THE FIRST TIME I SAW A TRANSIT CONNECT used as full-time living space was at the 2014 Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. A guy named Randy had done an attractive and very functional conversion. I’ve seen many nomad Transit Connects since then. They’ve become a popular choice,...

Weekend Photo 57

This way out — 17 May 2021 — Wire Pass, Utah style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081" data-ad-slot="8472325861" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081"...

It Has To Be In the Van Somewhere!

MY FATHER was a fairly high level federal employee. Whenever anyone in our family had trouble finding something, Dad would tell us (again) about one of his staff members. I don’t remember his name. Let’s say it’s Hank. Hank had an unusual filing system. There were...

Weekend Photo 56

To climb or not — 10 September 2013 — City of Rocks, Idaho style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081" data-ad-slot="8472325861" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081"...