What’s Your Next Move?

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Weekend Photo 55

A peek at the peaks — 21 August 2017 — Wind River Range, Wyoming style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081" data-ad-slot="8472325861" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" style="display:block"...

Moments On the Road: This Call’s for You

IMAGINE YOU’RE SITTING IN A VAN in the desert north of Tucson. You are surrounded by many species of cacti. The side door and driver window are open because the temperature is just right and there’s no wind. You’re sitting at your computer, trying to write a blog...

The Trouble with Ford’s 5.4L V8 Engines

I’M NOT AN AUTOMOTIVE BRAND LOYALIST. I’m loyal to well-engineered, low-trouble vehicles that meet my purposes, whoever makes them. So I’m not writing this as a Chevy driver whose knee-jerk reaction is to bash any and all things Ford. It’s because there are problems...