Weekend Photo 50

Grab a hammock — 20 October 2017 — Monterey Bay at Pacific Grove, California style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7662527707655081" data-ad-slot="8472325861" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true" style="display:block"...

The Slow Death

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Is It Hello Or Goodbye?

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What Size Bed Do I Actually Need?

I’M SIX FEET TALL. For nearly my entire adult life I had slept on a queen-sized bed. I was a sprawler and I’d roll from one side to the other — because I always had the room for it. (Well, except for a few years when I shared a queen bed with a wife and three small...

The Freedom of Instability

“PEOPLE CRAVE MORE STABILITY AS THEY GET OLD.” So said a politician in an article I was reading. My reaction was, “Really? Well, maybe for a lot of people, but not for me.”  I’m 70 years old and about ten years ago I got fed up with my lifetime of stability. Stability...

All Things Must Pass, Including People You Love

MY BEST FRIEND and ex-nomad, Lou Brochetti, had been struggling with cancer, heart problems, stomach issues and arthritis for two years. I spent the past ten months with him, helping out in any way necessary. His body was falling apart and he could no longer do any of...