National Vehicle Residency Summit – Online! You Can Attend It Too!
Consider attending this first ever POSITIVE national focus on those of us who live out of our vehicles. Free and online.
This summit will highlight legal issues that need to be addressed, along with offering some education about what vehicle residency is like — the positives, the challenges, the knowledge and skills it takes to succeed.
Bob Wells will be speaking.
November 18 and 19. Save the dates.
and every tag number will be recorded and stored for later use and checking.
your heart is in the right place but those trapped in mortgages and static situations will NEVER entirely accept anyone else who has abandoned it or avoided it. ever.
consequently the push to ‘get rid of those dirty vandwellers’ will never go away.
as a lifelong childfree person I have some experience of the ‘okey-doke’ prevailing.
I don’t understand any of your points. Are tag numbers part of the “registration information coming soon?” I trust in conversation, understanding and middle ground prevailing over extreme generalizations.
Oh BOY oh boy oh boy oh boy
There will be people attending from all aspects of the subject. Senseless to think tag numbers will be required for registration. Anybody asks me anytime soon “I travel and camp a lot in my vehicle”
I’m static, with a mortgage. I’ve got no problem with vehicle dwelling. If I had more than a suburban lot, I’d definitely consider letting people park on my own property.
Several blocks from me, they’re extending an industrial park. I think a better use of the land would have been a tiny home community or, yes, some kind of parking program lot. Hell, combine them both. My opinion, we need much more safe shelter, much less mega warehouses.
Most of my extended family is fine with the way I live. Some are even envious. I’ve parked at their mortgage-burdened homes a few times, met up with some others for some adventures. So the hostility isn’t universal.
I think its an important time for this meeting as we’re going to face some mounting challenges in the next few years as inflation puts the squeeze on normal people and crime increasing across the nation and criminals are let right back out again to reoffend, and then also whatever is happening with the waves of undocumented people flooding across the southern border.
Many felons, undocumented people, sex offenders and MS13 gangs live in or operate out of vehicles and RV’s boondocked in cities, suburbs and outlying areas. Theyr’re not only a hazard for people in sticks and bricks, but also for other vehicle dwellers.
When I was van-dwelling in the San Francisco Bay Area, the criminal vehicle dwelling elements would establish territories and there were places I wouldnt dare to park. I was the lucky one–because my house was on wheels! There were so many residents in the buildings on those streets who didn’t have that luxury and became virtual prisoners in their homes and apartments and had to listen to and witness prostitution, drug deals, drug fights, gang activity in addition to suffering from the smells and unsanitary conditions of people dumping their tanks into the street. And that was in Palo Alto where those residents were paying several thousands in rent or property tax to live there.
i think it’s important that we go into this with an understanding of the legitimate reasons why people are so threatened by vehicle dwelling, and the dangers faced by residents and vehicle-dwellers alike from the elements listed above. Have you ever pulled up to one of your favorite stealth neighborhood parking spots just to find another vehicle dweller already there? Even I try to steer clear because I don’t know if they’re a normal person or criminal.