Gone Cruising: Part 3

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.” John A. Shedd The cruise is over and I’m writing this back at my mom’s house. In this post I want to summarize my impressions of cruising. First, let me say that I am delighted to have spent this...

Gone Cruising: Part 2

I’m having a really hard time writing about my impressions of the cruise, so I am just going to do a stream-of-consciousness, question and answer type post relating to it. There will be at least one more post on the cruise. In it I will tell you about my excursions...

Gone Cruisin

  I am writing this from the couch of our room aboard the Carnival Cruise ship “Liberty”. It’s 9:00 am and I just watched us dock at Mahogany Bay, Hondurus. It has been a fun, exciting and busy last couple of weeks, so let me tell you all about it! After writing...

My Daily Life

You may have noticed that I rarely talk about my daily life, and there is a simple reason for that, it’s boring!! I mean, every day is the same: Homer and I go for a walk every morning and evening; in-between I work on projects or write for the blog or work on the...

Fun at the Beach

It’s been a beautiful warm summer in the Sierra NF. I think the weather here outside the little town of Shaver Lake is the best of all the places I have ever been. Every day of July and August has been clear and in the 80s. Sometimes it got a little too warm, but not...

Camp Is Growing–Being Interviewed

MY LITTLE FLOCK IS GROWING It’s been another busy few days. Jake is a wonderful friend from the last RTR and he joined us in camp. He works in Los Angeles and got some time off so he came up here to relax and get out of the heat. You would think it would be hard to...