Cruise_Sunset-001I am writing this from the couch of our room aboard the Carnival Cruise ship “Liberty”. It’s 9:00 am and I just watched us dock at Mahogany Bay, Hondurus. It has been a fun, exciting and busy last couple of weeks, so let me tell you all about it! After writing this post all I got in was basic facts before it got too long. So this post is just the facts, in my next post I will try to tell you about my reactions and feelings about the cruise and tell you about the excursions I’ve been on. Right now I will just tell you that I am very, very glad I came and I am having a great time!
Criuise_ShipI think I told you before that my mother had bought tickets for her and her sister to take a Caribbean Cruise. Her sister had some health problems come up that wouldn’t let her go (fortunately, they have all been resolved now). The penalty for canceling them would have been very severe so she asked me to go with her instead. Now that sounds like a no brainer-right; who in their right mind would turn down free cruise tickets? No one has ever accused me of being the brightest bulb in the bunch, but even so I instantly said, “Yes.” However, it was mainly to spend time with my mom, not to go on a cruise. I am not a cruise person. Spending time with 3300 other people on a ship and lying around a pool is NOT my idea of fun! I know it is heaven for a lot of people, but I am not one of them. But when a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this comes up, you have to take it, so I did. And, I want to see my mom at least once a year no matter what so it was just as good to do it now as later in the year (I usually visit her at the holidays).

Sailing out of Miami.

Sailing out of Miami.

So I booked a flight and waited for the time to come. But I have to be honest, all along I had very mixed feelings; I continually went back and forth between excitement and dread because I don’t like traveling. While I love driving to places, I hate flying and taking busses and this meant doing both of those. It also meant leaving Homer for 2 weeks; and while that may not seem like that big a deal it was huge for me. It would be hard for me to communicate to you how much I love Homer and I know that for part of the time I was gone he would feel abandoned, lost and alone and just the thought of that breaks my heart. But, I manned up and did it anyway. Cheri very kindly joined us to help Steve watch him, and I know he is as happy as he can possibly be and extremely well cared-for and loved!
Cruise-View-ForwardOne more thing you have to understand; I am not a water person! I grew up in Anchorage, AK, and water sports were not a part of my life. If you are wondering why, I have 9 reasons: the 9 months out of the year when the water is either frozen or deathly cold. When there are only 3 months of the year when you can get in the water without it killing you, (and even in those 3 months it is very cold) water is not something you spend time in. When I grew up, there was only one public pool in Anchorage, and we never went there. So I can’t swim, and take no real pleasure in being at the beach or at a pool. Without that, going on a cruise loses a lot of its appeal! But, I love my mom and couldn’t pass up the opportunity, so here I am.
This is looking aft toward the back of the ship. I took this shot late in the day after we left so it is mostly deserted.

This is looking aft toward the back of the ship. I took this shot late in the day after we left so it is mostly deserted.

On April 15 I drove the van to Phoenix and spent the night in a Casino parking lot. The next morning I left the van in a long-term parking lot ($9 a night) and flew to Orlando, Fl. My mom lives about an hour north of there in a retirement community called Lady Lake, Fl. At 6:00 am on Saturday, April 20th we boarded a bus to take us to Miami where we boarded the ship. The bus ride was fine, just long and boring. My mom tells me that boarding the ship can mean long lines and waits, but we were fortunate and got right on. I was completely unprepared for the size and complexity of the ship; simply put, it’s huge! It holds 3300 people and on that first day we were all out and looking for our rooms so it was something of a madhouse. After we found it and got everything in there we went exploring. She is a very experienced cruiser and that has made my trip so much easier. Together we pretty quickly figured out the lay of the ship. Sunday was our first full day and it was spent at sea steaming toward out first port of call, Cozumel, Mexico.
Our room looking toward the balcony.

Our room looking toward the balcony.

The rooms on the outside of the ship all have balconies and cost $1000 for the week-long cruise (that price is all-inclusive). The rooms on the inside don’t have balconies and cost $700. Although my mom has been on many cruises, she never spent the extra money before to get a balcony. But she wanted this to be special for her sister, so she splurged and this time we had a balcony. The room is large and very nice; like an upscale motel. We have TV in the room and we get all the broadcast channels out of Miami (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) and a few other channels like TNT and discover. Since I like watching TV at night to unwind, I’m really glad for that.
Looking down at the formal dining room, very elegant!

Looking down at the formal dining room, very elegant!

Internet is another story. The whole ship is wired for WIFI, but you have to pay. The plan I selected bought me 240 minutes at .37 cents a minute. So 4 hours of use cost me about $90. It’s the only game in town, so I bought in! It’s satellite internet so it’s slow, perfectly usable, but slow.
Cruises are famous for their food! Its good food available all the time! Everything is a buffet so you can eat as much as you want, whenever you want. However, while it is good, it is not great. The best comparison I can make is to the Golden Corral chain of buffet dinners. They serve the best institutional food as far as I am concerned and the food on the ship is not as good theirs, but better than anyone else.
The buffets onboard are for casual eating while the Dining Room is for formal, fine dining and it is truly wonderful food. It is included in the price and you can eat there every night if you wish. Like all find dining, it is customary to dress nicely for it and my mom wanted to do that at least once, including dressing nicely. I don’t own any formal attire so when we got to her house we started to hit the thrift stores looking for a sport coat, dress shirt, and dress pants. I think Florida is the thrift store capital of the world so we didn’t have any problem finding lots of them with good stuff for good prices! I bought the coat, shirt and pants for less than $10 total!
So those are the facts, and I know they are kind-of dry, but check out my next post for a more personal reaction. Right now I am off to an excursion titled “Pirates, Birds and Monkeys of the Caribbean” where we will go through a local wildlife park and hold monkeys and feed birds and turtles. I’m not sure where the Pirates come in, but we will find out!
yep, that's me in my $3 sport coat and $1 shirt. Thank God for thrift stores!

Yep, that’s me in my $3 sport coat and $1 shirt. Thank God for thrift stores!

From the balcony close to sunset.

From the balcony close to sunset. There is a reflection along the hand rail. The orangish items above the water line are the life-boats.

The balcony looking aft.

The balcony looking aft.

The balcony looking forward.

The balcony looking forward.

Our room looking from the balcony toward the door.

Our room looking from the balcony toward the door.

Downtown Miami.

Downtown Miami.