This is the same message I give every New Year

SO, here we are again.

Time to hit the reset button.


Return to Go.

Another new year. Another chance to start over — even though every moment of every day is a chance for that.

I could do a longwinded post about how we typically approach New Year resolutions. Blah blah blah pop philosophy yammer yammer yammer tedious faux wisdom et cetera blah blah blah…


Let me make it short instead. Consider dialing back on the self-flagellating resolutions and add more resolutions on the self-indulgent side of the list. Have less guilt and shame, have more fun, adventures, love and joy. Worry less about the calories consumed and the shit that’s still not together. Live as if your goal is to write a fabulous memoir rather than a strident self-help book. You’ll feel less like a failure.